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Nebulae (NGC prefix)

25_Cocoon Nebula NGC 5146 (C19).jpg

NGC 5146 (C19) The Cocoon nebula 

IC 5146 is about 4000 light years away. The red glow, as with many nebulae, is due to the preponderance of hydrogen gas being illuminated by the young close by stars

NGC 2175 The Monkey Head Nebula  

NGC 2175 is an emission nebula about six and a half million light years away in the constellation of Orion. It is known as the Monkey Head and is composed mainly of hydrogen gas

NGC 2244 The Rosette Nebula
The Rosette Nebula located near one end of a giant molecular cloud in the region of the Milky Way. The open cluster seen at the centre has been formed from the surrounding nebulosity. The cluster and nebula lie at a distance of 5,000 light years from Earth. 
Not one of my best structured images!

NGC 7023 The Iris Nebula   

NGC 7023 is a reflection nebula which gets its’ colour by reflecting the light from the  large, nearby, blue star.  Named after the Iris flower, the Iris Nebula  in Cepheus is1300 light years from earth.

NGC 6992 The Eastern Veil

The Eastern Veil Nebula is believed to be a supernova remnant resulting from the death of a star. Located in Cygnus it is 1700 light years away.

NGC 6960 The Western Veil

NGC 6960, known as the Western Veil Nebula or the Witch's Broom Nebula, is the  counterpart to the Eastern Veil Nebula NGC 6992 also seen on this page, 

NGC 281 Pacman Nebula

NGC 281 is known as the Pacman Nebula for obvious reasons. Nice bright target for astrophotography it lies some 6500 light years away in the northeast corner of Cassiopeia

NGC 1499 The California Nebula 
The California Nebula is an emission nebula located in the constellation Perseus. Its name comes from its supposed resemblance to the outline of the US State of California. It lies about 1000 light years from Earth

NGC 7000 North America

The North America Nebula is located 1700 light from earth. So called because of its’ shape which reflects the outline of the North American continent. Shining as a result of ionisation of gas from nearby stars.

NGC 7380 The Flying Horse Nebula

The Flying Horse or Wizard Nebula, is an emission nebula in Cepheus. gas, Actually designated SH2-142 it is lit by the open cluster of stars designated NGC 7380 and so I have wrongly given it the NGC prefix. It gains one of its’ names due to its’ resemblance to a horse on the wing!

NGC 7822

NGC 7882 is a star-forming region in the constellation Cepheus, where stars are born within clouds of gas located c. 2900 light years away. 

NGC 2237 The Rosette 2 

A nicer shot of the Rosette seen above.

NGC 7635 The Bubble Nebula.

Shown here with the star cluster M52 is c. 7000  light-years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia. Another discovery, in 1787, by William Herschel

NGC 6888 The Crescent Nebula


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