The present Minster was built between the 12th and the 15th Century and is the largest Gothic church in England. Here the South Door is seen to the left. A view of the Minster towering over the city is to the right The Museum in the undercroft of the Minster shows how the present building was constructed on the site of a Norman Cathedral, which was itself built over the Roman Fort.

The first York Minster dates back to the year 627. Bishop Paulinus converted Edwin of Northumbria to Christianity, and Paulinus baptised Edwin in a church especially constructed for the purpose. This wooden church is regarded as the first York Minster and it was subsequently rebuilt in stone dedicated to St. Peter.

The Norman Archbishop of York, Thomas of Bayeux, rebuilt the Minster beginning in 1080 and the foundations of this first Norman church can be seen today in the Minster undercroft. In 1137 the Minster suffered severe fire damage. The choir and crypt were rebuilt beginning in 1154.
In 1220 work began to replace the South Transept, followed a few years later by the North Transept, both in the Gothic style. In the North Transept visitors can see the "Five Sisters" lancet windows. The beautiful Chapter House was begun in about 1260 with the nave being replaced in 1291. During this time a central tower was added but this was to collapse in 1407 and was subsequently replaced.
Slowly but the cathedral was being fully rebuilt in the Gothic style with the choir being replaced in 1395.

Far left is The Choir and organ. In the centre is the beautiful Rose Window and to the right the Nave.

The Screen is 15th century. Located under the Central Tower it is decorated with statues of fifteen kings of England from William I to Henry VI.

On the left is a view of the North Transept with the South Transept to the right the Central Tower was rebuilt after it's collapse in 1407. The North Transept was replaced with the present one in c. 1225.

An example of Decorated Gothic the Chapter House (right) was the business centre of the Minster. Work started on the building in 1260.

The Chapter House ceiling.

Views of the West Front and towers together with the great West Door. Below some external details.